The Notifications menu is used to add, edit, and delete users and groups that will receive notifications from MikroCloud and schedule when those notifications can occur.
This page is used to add, edit, and delete users. It displays a list of currently configured users.
Add User
Use the "+" (plus sign) icon to add a new user.
Enter the user's name, contact information, and timezone.
Click Create Notifications User
when done.
You'll be return to the Users page and the new user will be listed there.
Edit User
Click on a user's name from the Users page and
you will be taken to the Edit User page.
Edit the user's name, contact information, and timezone from this page.
When you're done, click Update
to save the new information and you'll
be turned to the Users page
After creating the user, they should then appear in the list of users.
The Groups page allows you to group users together.
A list of the groups you've already create is shown on this page.
Add Group
Click the "+" (plus sign) icon to create a new group.
The Create Group page appears.
Add users to your group here, and select a Business Hours policy
from the drop-down.
Tick the box next to the sites from which this group
should receive notifications.
Finally, click Create Notification Policy
to save the group
and you'll be returned to the group list.
Edit Group
Click on the Edit icon (looks like a pen) to edit the group.
When finished making changes, click Update
Delete Group
To delete a group, use the Edit icon to go to the
editing page and then click Delete
Define notification schedules from this page.
A list of defined Notification Schedule Policies is shown. Click on a schedule's name or the Edit icon to view, update, or delete the schedule.
Note: You must create a at least one of these before creating groups because you need to specify one of them in the Edit Group page.